Rename Your Files Using the Swap and Title Case Rules

We often feel the need to rename our files with criteria that would fit best with our file organization strategy but are too lazy to browse each file and rename it accordingly. It is also a very boring and tiring job to rename each file when there are a very big number of files involved. More so, if you have to swap the segments of a file’s name or change the case to title-case, it will be very difficult to rename each file by yourself.

Product Spotlight: Use Sorcim’s Easy Files Renamer to rename filenames using several rules including the SWAP and TITLE cases.

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An efficient solution to this problem is to use a software app like Easy File Renamer.  A very easy to use and lightweight software, compatible with Microsoft Windows, it can swap the segments in the file name or change it to the title case easily.

Get Easy File Renamer for Your PC

Download Easy File Renamer from its official website, and it. Next, launch the program and follow these simple steps to rename files by swapping name segments or changing the filename format to title case.

Step 1: Add Files

Add the files you want to rename to the Easy File Renamer user interface by clicking the Add Files button. Select all the files you want to rename. You can even select files from multiple directories in a single renaming job.

Adding the files to be renamed

Step 2: Select Swap and Title Case Rules

Click on the Select Rule drop-down menu and choose the Swap rule. Now specify the separator in the text field along which you want to swap the segments of the name. Also, specify the occurrences of this separator (up to 5). After this, click the Add Rule button to apply this rule.

In a similar manner, you can select the Title Case rule. Click the Add Rule button and now both of these rules will be visible in the Applied Rules section.

The best part is, you can also check the preview of the to-be-renamed files in the New Name column before you actually proceed to rename them.

Step 3: Swap the Segments and Title Case Your Files by Hitting the Rename Button

After you have carefully applied both of the rules, click the Rename button in the bottom-right corner of the screen, and EFR will instantly rename your files to your specified conventions and save the changes.

All set for renaming

Another solution is to use Windows 10’s File Explorer to rename files manually. However, this method is not an efficient solution to rename files and also does not provide advanced renaming options like Easy File Renamer.