Find Duplicate Database Files Easily

Excessive duplicate database files can be a developer’s worst nightmare. If you are someone who has tried to test a piece of code with different fake datasets, you would know the struggle. Not only are they large in size and unnecessarily occupy a big portion of the storage space, they also significantly hamper the development processes and waste time.

Looking for duplicate database files is not as easy as looking for duplicate photos. In the case of database files, you can’t just view a thumbnail and tell if it is a duplicate file or not. Instead, you will have to open them (for example with a program like MySQL server) and evaluate each database separately.

Imagine having large scale databases with tons of columns and functional dependencies. As we all would agree, time is of the essence. It is almost impossible to review database files manually.

Keeping in mind the struggle of developers, Clone Files Checker has been developed with an insightful algorithm that can quickly scan databases and figure out the duplicate ones.


Why Clone Files Checker?

Unlike most tools, CFC runs an in-depth duplicate search, making sure that each part of the database is compared and no duplicate file is missed or that no unique file is misidentified as a duplicate.

CFC also works with files stored in places other than directories within the default folders. Doesn’t that sound amazing?


How to Use Clone Files Checker?

Trust me, it’s a breeze. Just follow these simple steps and you will be good to go:

  1. Download the CFC application and run its installation setup.
  2. Open up the software and add all the folder/file paths that you wish to scan. If you wish to exclude anything, use the Exclude from Scan tab.
  3. Under the Search option, be sure to select the All Files option. You can also customize your scan on the basis of a size range of files.
  4. Launch the scan by hitting the Start Search button.
  5. Within a few moments, you will be able to view the results of the scan along with a brief report.
  6. If you want to automatically delete duplicate databases, you can use the Quick Fix option.
  7. If you want to take a look at the detected duplicates first and then take action, go for the Review & Fix option.
  8. After selecting which file you want to retain from each duplicate group, you will be able to choose between deleting all the remaining duplicates or moving them to a folder of your choice.


Additional Features

Clone Files Checker is a user-friendly tool that also allows users to export their scan results into different file types like HTML and CSV. More importantly, before the deletion begins, CFC automatically creates a back-up (if you have selected the relevant option in Settings) in case anything goes wrong. What’s noteworthy is that with CFC, users can also undo the whole process. Nothing to lose, right?



Clone Files Checker works well with Windows 10/ 8.1/ 8/ 7/ Vista/ XP as well as all versions of macOS 10 and above. Even though the core duplicate scan and deletion/ move to folders are common for both the Windows and Mac variants of CFC, some of these features vary as well.

So what are you waiting for? Go ahead and get rid of those junk database files, and recover plenty of storage space!