Make No Mistake in Fixing Installer Error 1401

Error 1401 is an installer error. One or more programs display following error:

Error 1401: Unable to create key {Key Name will be given here}. Verify that you have sufficient access to that key, or contact your support personnel.

Affected Programs:

  • Acronis TrueImage
  • Adobe CS5/ CS4
  • Adobe Reader
  • Canon Printer Software
  • Intel Desktop Utilities
  • Microsoft Office
  • Sperry Software Add-In

Here are giving troubleshooting instructions to fix this error on your own. You may also like to scan your computer for corruption in Windows Registry that often causes Error 1401. To do so, use a renowned registry optimizing program.


Verify Registry Permissions

Make sure the “Components” subkey HKLM tree has read/ write permissions. The program may have failed to obtain or write data on required Registry keys.


  1. Press Windows Key + R simultaneously.
  2. Type RegEdit in Open textbox, click OK.
  3. This opens up Registry Editor. Locate the following subkey:
  4. Right-click Components subkey, select Permissions.
  5. You have now the Permissions dialog opened up.
  6. Select “System” under Group or User Names category.
  7. Specify full control to the Registry subkey. Check-up Full Control checkbox under Allow column.
  8. Select “Administrators” under Group or User Names category.
  9. Refer to step # 7 above.
  10. Exit out of the screen.


Use SubInACL Command-line Tool

The publisher of SubInACL command-line tool is Microsoft. Users can obtain security information about files, registry keys. They can also change object owners, migrate security information as well.

Microsofft Download Center

  1. Visit Microsoft Download Center to download SubInACL.exe. The file size is just 371 KB.
  2. Click the Download button.
  3. The time has now come to install the downloaded file. Double click it, follow installer instructions.
  4. After successful completion, open Notepad. Press Windows Key + X, select Search. Type Notepad, click Apps and open it from Search Results.
  5. Copy/ paste following commands into the Notepad file:
  6. Click File | Save.
  7. Set the following attributes:
    • File Name: RegFix.cmd
    • File Type: All Files
    • Location: Desktop
  8. Exit Notepad.
  9. Move the file to the following location:
    C:\Program Files\Windows Resource Kits\Tools
  10. Press Windows Key + X, select Command Prompt (Admin).
  11. Type the following command:
    Cd “C\Program Files\Windows Resource Kits\Tools”
  12. The process may take a little bit longer. Please wait until it finishes.


Modify Environment Variables

Enable showing nonpresent devices in the Device Manager. Modify environment variables of your computer.

Environment Variables

  1. Right-click Computer icon on Desktop; select Properties.
  2. Click “Advanced system settings” link.
  3. In the new dialog click Advanced tab, and then Environment Variables button.
  4. Click New button under System Variables category.
  5. Enter the following information:
    • Name: devmgr_show_nonpresent_devices
    • Value: 1
  6. Click OK. Restart your PC.


Uninstall Unused HID-Compliant Mouse

Misconfigurations in Device Manager can cause your computer to show error 1401. View hidden devices, uninstall unused HID-Compliant Mouse through Device Manager.

Device Manager

  1. Press Windows Key + X, select Device Manager.
  2. Expand top node, i.e. computer name.
  3. Click View menu, select Show hidden devices.
  4. Expand Mice and other pointing devices node.
  5. Here you’ll find a list of all used and unused HID-Compliant Mouse. All you’ve to do is uninstall greyed out items. Right-click it, select Uninstall option.
  6. Follow the on-screen instructions and reboot your PC for changes to take effects.


Change Installation Folder Security Permissions

The setup fails to copy files to the installation folder. Make sure the destination folder has sufficient administrative privileges and re-run the setup again.

Folder Properties

  1. Double click Computer icon on Desktop.
  2. Right-click the folder that you chose for installation, select Properties.
  3. This opens up Folder Properties dialog box.
  4. Click Security tab.
  5. Click Edit button.
  6. Check-up Full Control checkbox under Allow column for following Group or User Names:
    • Administrator
    • SYSTEM
  7. Click OK | OK.


Re-Run Program with Administrative Privileges

The program you’re trying to run fails to modify Windows Registry keys because either you have not logged in from Administrator user account or the program has no sufficient privileges to do so. Re-launch it with administrative privileges as follows:

  1. Right-click the program that displays error 1401.
  2. Select Run as administrator.


Turn Off Webroot Spy Sweeper

Spy Sweeper, a program from Webroot, scans PC for malicious programs. Error 1401 may appear due to false-positives with real-time protection.

  1. Open Webroot Spy Sweeper from Start Screen.
  2. Click Options | Shields.
  3. Uncheck the box named “Protect against virus” under Anti-Virus Protection.